
The City of Vincent Library can be contacted during the library's opening hours. We will do our best to respond to any after-hours communication within 24 hours.

Contact the City of Vincent Library

Phone: (08) 9273 6090


Address: 99 Loftus Street, Leederville, Western Australia, 6007
Parking is free for up to 3 hours, but don't forget you will still need to display a “free” ticket on your windscreen.

Postal: PO Box 82, Leederville WA 6902

Relay and accessible services

Phone interpreter (non- English speakers): 131 450

Teletypewriter phone: 133 677

Voice Relay phone: 1300 555 727

Language interpreters, including Auslan, are available for in person meetings and City hosted events and services free of charge. These services must be pre-booked. Contact us to book your interpreter.