History of Vincent
Read about the history of the City of Vincent online.
History of the City of Vincent.
Over the years, Local History Centre staff have also published various books and reports highlighting the history of Vincent. These publications are outlined below.
Our Town
Early photographs from the Town of Vincent Local History Collection

Published in 2007, this book features historic photographs of homes, businesses and events in the Vincent area accompanied by quotes from oral history interviews.
A PDF version can be downloaded through the link below.
Our Town
Early Businesses of Vincent: a local history

This book was published in 2010 and it features photographs, stories and recollections of over 60 businesses in the suburbs of Leederville, North Perth, Mount Hawthorn, Perth, Highgate and Mount Lawley from the 1900s-2010.
A PDF version can be downloaded through the link below.
Early Businesses of Vincent: a local history
Also available for sale in the Local History Centre ($20).
Beatty Park - Celebrating the first fifty years: 1962-2012

The book was published in 2012 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Beatty Park Aquatic Centre built for the VIIth British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1962. It follows the history of the Centre from the choice of the location, staging of the Commonwealth Games and its evolution as a much loved aquatic centre through the decades.
A PDF version can be downloaded through the link below.
Beatty Park: Celebrating the first fifty years 1962-2012
Also available for viewing in the Local History Centre.