Accessibility Notice
The City of Vincent is committed to ensuring that all members of the community have equitable access to the City and that information is available in formats that suit their needs.
The City of Vincent Library has 4 ACROD Parking bays in the library car park.
Details on our accessibility initiatives can be found on our Access & Inclusion pages.
The City can be contacted in person, via telephone (9273 6000), via email ( and through our website, Facebook page or Instagram page.
Customers who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or have any communication disability can contact the City through the National Relay Service (NRS) on 133 677 (TTY and voice calls) or
Language interpreters are available free of charge by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and asking to be put through to the City of Vincent. You can also pre-book an interpreter (including Auslan) for a phone call, video call or in-person meeting, free of charge, by contacting us to request this in advance.
We understand some customers may need a support person when communicating with the City. We welcome you to bring a support person with you when meeting with us in person, or to use the assistance a support person over the phone or via video call.
We can also provide the content of City documents alternative formats including braille and audio. Please contact us for assistance with this.