Local History Centre

Explore Vincent’s past at the Local History Centre. We collect and share information and stories about people, places and events that have shaped the City of Vincent.

Our Collection includes thousands of photos, books, maps, oral histories, memoirs, memorabilia and archival papers on the history of Vincent's suburbs. These include: North Perth;  Mount Hawthorn; Highgate; Leederville; and parts of East Perth; West Perth; Perth and Mount Lawley.

Check out what’s available online in our catalogue or browse our image library

You can also find information in our Local History Centre, located in the Vincent Library.

Our staff are available to answer your local history queries including researching the history of your house. We also offer workshops and talks on a range of local history related topics.

Drop in or make an appointment for help or to share information with us. 

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri Drop In:  9am-1pm

By appointment: 2pm-5pm

Contact the Local History Centre on 9273 6534 or email local.history@vincent.wa.gov.au

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Check out these useful history links