Opening Hours

Vincent Library & Local History Centre is located on 99 Loftus Street, Leederville, Western Australia, 6007

Parking is free for up to 3 hours, but don't forget you will still need to display a “free” ticket on your windscreen.

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Sunday Closed

Public Holiday Closures

The Library is closed on the following Public Holidays:

Public Holiday Date
New Year's Day

Wednesday, 1 January 

Australia Day Monday, 27 January
Labour Day

Monday, 3 March 

Good Friday

Friday, 18 April

Easter Monday

Monday, 21 April 


Friday, 25 April 

Western Australia Day

Monday, 2 June 

King's Birthday

Monday, 29 September 

December Holiday Break To Be Announced


Even when the library is closed you can access our eLibrary of eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, eMagazines & more with your library membership. 

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