Where Does it Go? Waste Sorting Workshop

Past Event

Join waste educator Peg Davies for an engaging and informative workshop.

Learn answers to questions like: 

  • Where does our waste go and what's the best way to deal with it?
  • Is recycling really important?
  • What are the options for tricky stuff like toothbrushes and pill packets?

Discover options beyond the bin, learn how to reduce your waste and understand why it's so important. This session is tailored to Vincent's 3-bin FOGO system, providing practical advice on how to make the most of it.

Expect a mix of laughs and challenges as you delve into the world of waste sorting with opportunities to get hands-on and try it out yourself. Whether you're curious about the final destination of your waste or are looking for ways to reduce what you throw away, Peg has the answers—delivered with humour and practical insights.

Attendees will also receive a special gift pack to support their waste reduction efforts.

Peg Davies

With over 13 years of experience, Peg is a passionate waste educator who has set up education programs, community gardens and school waste systems. Her focus is on avoiding and reducing waste by living more lightly and she firmly believes that an 'empty bin is a good bin!'. Peg's workshops share her valuable knowledge, leaving you inspired and equipped to make lasting changes.

Seats are limited, so reserve your spot today.

Bookings essential.

Event Details

Time: 9.30 - 11.30am

Location: Library and Local History Centre, 99 Loftus St, Leederville

Cost: $5

Category: General

Type: General

Audience: All Ages


Contact: City of Vincent

Phone: 9273 6000

Email: mail@vincent.wa.gov.au

Event Date(s)

  • Saturday 21st September 2024

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